Sabado, Disyembre 8, 2012

We Are Not Alone: The Arrival of the GOOD ALIENS

Our Universe, our Multiverse is so vast that to say there are at least a hundred billion billion billion billion stars like our SUN would be downright underestimating.

Accept it.  WE ARE NOT ALONE.  There are other intelligent life forms out there in the cosmos. Some or most of them thousands of years ahead in technology compared to ours.

Was there already a CONTACT?  A CLOSE ENCOUNTER?  YES.  For thousands of years.  Only you all know them as gods, jesus, lord, holy ghosts, holy spirit, angels... blah-blahs... And please do not be so naive to think that mankind could achieve the level of technology that we have today without "outside" help.

Allow me to call them simply as "ALIENS".  There are GOOD Aliens, and there are BAD, EVIL Aliens.  I consider Jesus and his "friends" BAD/EVIL Aliens.  Those who are against "them" jesus, I consider mankind's friends or GOOD Aliens.

Jesus...? Bad..? Evil Aliens..? Jesus treats mankind as INFERIORS.  SLAVES.  Jesus forced us to adore him.  If Jesus/god is pleased, he gives us abundance, bounty and plenty.  If Jesus/god is pissing mad..., drought, famine, earthquakes, eruptions, pestilence, DEATHS,  SHITS HAPPEN.

Let me rephrase this to all of you.  If Jesus/god is pleased and in the right mood, he won't mess up with earth's natural processes.  If Jesus/god is pissing mad,  APOCALYPSE, ANNIHILATION and EXTERMINATION happen.  Jesus/god is fucking EVIL.

I am Nelson VIaña Magana.  I am NVM 666.  I am THE ANTICHRIST that has been foretold in The Book of Revelation.  Sooner than most of you expect, The GOOD Aliens, the enemies of Jesus Christ and his friends,  WILL COME.  And WORLDWIDE PREPARATION for the Final Battle to liberate Earth will immediately go into motion.  And whether you all like it or not, I will represent mankind's fight for freedom and survival.  I will lead mankind's fight for freedom and survival.  I had proven myself brave.  I had proven myself capable.  And I had proven myself worthy.

Do not forget to look up the skies every once in a while.  Somehow, I have this very strong feeling that the coming alignment of our Solar System to the center of our Milky Way Galaxy  starting on 12.21.2012  may affect some "Space-Time"  Synchronization Constraints.  If this is the case,  THIS WILL BE THE MOST SURPRISING EXPERIENCE ALL OF YOU WILL EVER ENCOUNTER IN YOUR LIFETIME.

Facebook, WordPress, BlogSpot(Google), Twitter and all the others(you all know who you are):  If you all think that you can STOP me from "happening",  you all better "think again".  THIS IS NOT UP TO ALL OF YOU.   The decision has been made thousands of years in advance. -NVM 666


1 komento:

  1. No, Jesus gives us a choice. Choose him and choose life, refuse him and choose death. if jesus is an alien, he would not interfere with our toils, either way. We were given free choice by whatever created us. The control freaks, Illuminati are the ones who do the droughts and famines and death, and revenge. Do your research better.
