Letter to all Atheists:
You do not believe in God. You do not believe that there is a God. But, is that all there is into it...? Even for once, didn't you all consider that as the universe is so vast..., as the multiverse is so vast..., then so is the possibility and the probability of the existence of other intelligent life forms, many of them "super" technologically advanced that they can play "gods" with us HUMANS..? That some of these evil alien "gods" uses the bible as their "Art of War" in order to get the loyalty and support of large number of mankind. To make mankind "SUBMISSIVE" to whatever they had planned for the HUMAN RACE. That what is written in the "book of revelation" is a result of VERY advanced Space-Time technology technology of the gods), and that it may also serve as THREAT, as WARNING for us The HUMAN RACE not to disobey, not to consider fighting against them or else WE WILL FACE EXTERMINATION. ANNIHILATION.
I am Nelson VIaña Magana. NVM 666. I am asking for all your help. Let us inform and educate mankind of this possibility. Let us inform and educate mankind of this probability. Help me prepare The Human Race.
Letter To All My Muslim Brothers and Muslim Sisters:
Peace be with you all. GOD is Great!
Some of you..., Most of you if not all, despise the Christians. Countless wars, millions of deaths and more millions of griefs and sorrows have resulted from this "Muslims vs. Christians" for thousands of years. Didn't you all consider even for once the probability and the possibility of the existence of some evil super technologically advanced aliens playing "gods" with us HUMANS? And that it is their "Art of War" to DIVIDE Mankind, because they know that The Human Race is so strong if we will all become one. Don't you all think that as brothers, as sisters, as Humans, it is our duty and obligation to fight as one, to defend as one and be victorious against these evil aliens playing "gods" enslaving, dividing and oppressing The Human race for thousands of years?
I am Nelson VIaña Magana. NVM 666. I need all the Strength and all the Courage of my Muslim brothers and Sisters whom I greatly admire. Help me defend The Human Race. Help me Fight for all our Freedom and Survival. The Human Race, Mankind has no chance of VICTORY without the help coming from our Courageous Muslim Brothers and Sisters.
Letter To All Buddhist Brothers and Sisters:
I offer you my LOVE. I offer you my RESPECT. Your quests for peace, your quests for wisdom, your quests for enlightenment is beyond my admiration. With all these possibilities, with all these probabilities, with all these threats of Mankind's annihilation and extermination that lie within our near future, I Nelson VIaña Magana. NVM 666 needs all your help. Please help me UNITE all the people of Earth against these evil aliens playing "gods", masters and oppressors. Help me unite mankind to fight for our freedom and for our survival.
Letter To All Communists:
Comrades. Brothers and Sisters in Arms, what I will tell all of you will be short. Direct. Earth, our planet, Mankind, The Human Race and that includes YOU is under threat of annihilation. extermination. DEFEND. -NVM 666
Letter To All Followers of Jesus:
Wake up! Free yourselves from IGNORANCE. Free yourselves from STUPIDITY. You of all people should be the ones who know and understand all these I am saying.
" The Human Race is about to be ANNIHILATED. The Human race is about to be EXTERMINATED by the one whom you adored and prayed all your lives. Jesus will massacre, murder, kill, destroy everything and everyone dear to us. FIGHT HIM! KILL HIM!
WAKE UP!!! -NVM 666
Letter To All Our Cosmic Neighbors Who Are Aware of Mankind's Existence:
We may all have different words for evil. we may all have different symbols for evil. But evil is evil... anywhere and everywhere in this universe. In this Multiverse. Evil must be defeated.
I am Nelson VIaña Magana. NVM 666. The One who has The Mark Of The Beast. In behalf of all mankind, in behalf of all living and existing in this planet, Earth..., I am asking for all your help. The Human Race is asking for all your help. We are about to be annihilated. We are about to be exterminated. Fight along side us. Help us defend ourselves. Help us survive. Help us in our fight for our freedom. help us defeat evil. The Human Race have every right in this universe, in this multiverse to live free and independent.
We are one. We all came from that one "SOURCE" where everything in this universe, everything in this multiverse all came from. Originated. And I AM STRONGLY DEMANDING ALL OF YOU TO RECOGNIZE AND HONOR THIS BOND THAT BOUND US ALL TOGETHER IN THIS UNIVERSE. IN THIS MULTIVERSE. FIGHT ON OUR SIDE. BE WITH US. BE ONE WITH THE HUMAN RACE.
click on the link below: THE ANTICHRISTS ARTICLES: The Forbidden Knowledge
or just visit my FACEBOOK WALL PROFILE. at facebook email account: santiagomagana693@yahoo.com.ph SOMEHOW, THESE LINKS ALWAYS DO NOT WORK.... -NVM 666
click on the link below: THE ANTICHRISTS ARTICLES: The Forbidden Knowledge
or just visit my FACEBOOK WALL PROFILE. at facebook email account: santiagomagana693@yahoo.com.ph SOMEHOW, THESE LINKS ALWAYS DO NOT WORK.... -NVM 666

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