"The world did not end on 12.21.2012..... And most of you were so happy that you even took this event as a joke... YOU WERE ALL MISINFORMED BY THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA MY FRIENDS...
Read this.... THEN THINK again..... The last laugh might not be ours..."-NVM 666
It marks the end of an approximately 5000 year friendly cycle. The arrival of the new cycle heralded and welcomed by numerous extreme weather conditions. Droughts, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and super typhoons, hottest summers and coldest winters, earthquakes and volcanic activities, plus the sun's very erratic behavior. What lies ahead of us is anyone's guess.
Read this.... THEN THINK again..... The last laugh might not be ours..."-NVM 666
It marks the end of an approximately 5000 year friendly cycle. The arrival of the new cycle heralded and welcomed by numerous extreme weather conditions. Droughts, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and super typhoons, hottest summers and coldest winters, earthquakes and volcanic activities, plus the sun's very erratic behavior. What lies ahead of us is anyone's guess.
To get the idea, please allow me to give you a simple illustration, example and explanation.
First, it is very important for all of you to take into consideration that large percentage of what holds our galaxy, our universe, our multiverse together can be accounted to GRAVITY(before DARK ENERGY) . In layman's term, the effects of gravity is almost very similar to the effects of magnets (attraction wise). The bigger and more massive the magnet is, the stronger its pulling force. The closer we all are to the magnet's range or field of its maximum "pull", the stronger the effects of the magnet's pulling force to us.
The center of our Milky Way Galaxy is a very massive and enormous blackhole. A very massive and enormous magnet. And starting on December 21, 2012, for 5000 years,our sun, our solar system will be positioned on the area of The Milky Way galaxy where the pull coming from its very massive blackhole/magnet center is a lot more stronger if not strongest. And from that moment on up to another 5000 years or so (one cycle), the earth, our sun and the whole solar system will be constantly exposed and will be constantly experiencing that stronger pull.
The earth and every living thing in our planet have flourished because of the "balance" this leaving friendly cycle have given us. This coming cycle will surely affect everything around us. Negatively...? Positively...? We can all just wait and see. Or we can anticipate by simply asking and answering some of these questions listed below to ourselves.
What effects can a dramatic increase of acceleration in our solar system's journey around the milky way will give to us who are living on planet earth?
Will this increase in acceleration and increase of the pulling force coming from the galaxy's center somehow may disrupt the balance that the last cycle have provided us?
What effects will this increase in acceleration and increase in pulling force coming from the galaxy's center make to the core of the sun, to the core of the earth and to the cores of other planets?
Will these forces disrupt the "balance" on the asteroid belts and the outer part of our solar system where tens of millions of space debris, unformed planets and comets were all located?
Will this bring earth a higher possibility of asteroids and comets impacts?
And will this increase in acceleration and increase in pull that our sun will be experiencing might result to more frequent Coronal Mass Ejections?
On a much deeper context, this event may allow and or might lead to "Space-Time Synchronization". A window allowing other intelligent civilizations and the people living on earth to be able to see and interact with each other again(?).
On a much deeper context, this event may allow and or might lead to "Space-Time Synchronization". A window allowing other intelligent civilizations and the people living on earth to be able to see and interact with each other again(?).
Prepare yourselves. Brace yourselves. THE NEW CYCLE HAS JUST BEGAN.....
about the author:

Nelson VIaña Magana
born Feb. 27, 1971
7:06 am (6:66 am)
Nelson N (6 letters)
VI (Roman 6)
aña: collection of articles/infos that describes a person
Magana M (6 letters)
NVM 666
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