To open your THIRD EYE......
To each and everyone of the little less than 8 billion people out there,
Take a closer look of your THIRD EYE...... This is YOU...... This is YOURS and no one can take this but ME......
Come on and have a closer look...... Take your time...... For as long as you need......
Study. Memorize. Claim it. Take it. Embrace it. Make it GROW. It is yours. Keep it where it should and must belong- INSIDE YOU. INSIDE YOUR MIND. INSIDE YOUR SOUL.
Once it is there, IT will be there forever...... always awake...... always powerful......
With this Power now living inside you, recite this (Latin: the machine /programming language of THIS UNIVERSE.) oration/incantation:
[only one among the thousands of ANAGRAMS of THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES:
ANNUIT COEPTIS NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM -this will protect you and keep you away from the power of Death,
but not from pain, that is yours, your doctors and your medicines jobs.]
Knowing YOU CAN NOT and WILL NOT die is just the first step of healing.
The human mind/body has the ability and power to cure itself. The primary KEY is for your brain/mind/soul/body to achieve a "certain" level of frequency required for this healing process to BEGIN.
Some meditate...... others pray...... to jesus, trees, ants, rivers, demons, Satan...... YOU CHOOSE. Or you can just believe and have faith in yourself. Whichever you prefer would be just fine.
Once you are in the ZONE, focus on this thought and image:
Everything your body needs to be healed and cured, the universe is giving infinitely as MANNA. Some passing through you taking all the pains away, correcting all that is wrong and unbalanced...... Some being absorbed as ENERGY. Take everything you need. THE POWER IS INFINITE.
do not forget:
FOCUS ON THE HEALING. not on, with the disease. Thinking of your disease is like feeding the monster living inside you. STARVE IT. IT WILL DIE. AND YOU WILL LIVE.
[your full name]
NVM 666
A few hours..., a few days you will feel the Difference. Your Difference. The Quickening as I may say. You will feel This Quickening first through your eyes. they will be more alive, more knowing, more awake, more fire and brightness. YOU WILL KNOW. And you will also know and sense the others who has it just by seeing and looking at him/her. This will be an "AT ONE MENT" A brotherhood and sisterhood with no boundaries. A WARNING though: these fucking entities playing gods can detect frequencies your mind/brains are emitting. They CAN NOT KILL YOU, but they can cause you pain. AND YOU WILL ALL BE MARKED. THIS THIRD EYE ALSO SERVES AS YOUR MARK, THAT YOU ARE AWAKENED. THAT YOU POSE DANGER ON THEIR CONTROL. THIS IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST. Some of you will put this on your arm/s, body, forehead, there is no difference. The Mark of the Beast is WITHIN YOUR MINDS.
TIP: if you want to copy somebody else's potentials, skills, strength, power, etc.... FOCUS ON HIS/HER FACE, HIS/HER TALENTS, ON EVERYTHING YOU KNOW ABOUT HIM/HER and recite this same oration/incantation: VICI CORDON ANIMAMOS [his/her name] SEQUUNTUR L'COEPTOS 666. You'll see...... :) But again of course, to perfect anything, STUDY, LEARN, PRACTICE....PRACTICE...PRACTICE.
If you want some HANKY PANKY.... check this out. This might be proven very useful for YOU.....http://onestrength.blogspot.com/2013/06/666-teaching-you-how-to-dougie.html
read this as well: http://onestrength.blogspot.com/2013/07/only-to-most-enlightened-of-souls.html
If you want some HANKY PANKY.... check this out. This might be proven very useful for YOU.....http://onestrength.blogspot.com/2013/06/666-teaching-you-how-to-dougie.html
read this as well: http://onestrength.blogspot.com/2013/07/only-to-most-enlightened-of-souls.html

Nelson VIaña Magana
born Feb. 27, 1971
7:06 am (6:66 am)
Nelson N (6 letters)
VI (Roman 6)
aña: collection of articles/infos that describes a person
Magana M (6 letters)
NVM 666
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